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Bahamus Ghana Completes Digital XTV-Suite Training With GHONE TV MCR Staff


Bahamus Ghana organizes workshop for GHONE TV MCR staff (EIB NETWORK)

A successful workshop on the use of the XTV a television automation broadcast system, was completed on Friday 05 February 2016.

Members of the Master Control Room (MCR) of the EIB owned GHONE TV were exposed to the use of the Xplayout system, Xcapture, Xtrimmer, Xscheduler.

The XTV suite broadcast automation system is now used by GHONE TV a member of the EIB Network.

Quotes for the Week

“Technology makes what was once impossible possible. The design makes it real.” – Michael Gagliano

“Technology does more than delight entertain and makes our lives more convenient, it’s also an agent for social good. That’s it is why it is important for tech startups to stay informed about, and make a mark on, policies that impact them.”

“Technology does more than delight entertain and makes our lives more convenient, it’s also an agent for social good. That’s it is why it is important for tech startups to stay informed about, and make a mark on, policies that impact them.”